Thursday, December 1, 2011

"deserving" Americans

My grandparents entered this country legally and struggled as farmers to survive.  They survived the great depression and both were married for over 40 years.  They were farmers who did not rely on Illegal immigrants to make a profit.  They relied on their hard work and the hard work of their children who learned through long days and hard work to appreciate what they got.  Many times it was their yearly pair of shoes for a Christmas present.  They never collected welfare, food stamps, assistance with heating bills, unemployment, government subsidies, or any other "handout".  Today's Americans think that the world or America owes them.  They don't believe they have to work hard, learn, or pay anything forward.  The jobless rate is high but the military is always hiring.  Why do they expect the American tax payers to pay for them to be unemployed when there are jobs?  Jobs where they can serve their country and the American people, get free training, and work in the field that they had in the civilian work force.  Yes the military has high paying, degree required, office type of people.  They don't just need "enemy targets"!  Today's military is very high tech and even being a Noncomissioned Officer requires some sort of degree.  If you don't want to be a full time soldier, sailor, or airman there is always the National Guard and Reserve.  Instead of asking for a handout how about giving something back to the country and the individuals who have given you your freedom?  It seems that today's motto is that it is easier to receive than to give or ask not what you can do for your country but what can your country give you.  Wake up people!  a strong country is so because of the strength of it's citizens.  The weaker the citizens the weaker the country.


  1. Good post, Kerry. I like your definition of “deserving Americans.” You are right. It takes strong citizens to make a strong country.

  2. I feel the main problem in America today is that the majority of Americans have become weak. They think they deserve without earning. My great grandparents didn't get any handouts when they came to America but worked hard to build a family and a future. Instead of hiring illegal immigrants, they grew a family to work the farm and learn respect for their parents.
