Monday, November 28, 2011

First Blog

I have tried to put posts on Facebook about subjects which should be important to an American who cares about their country, but it seems that people on Facebook would rather talk about the games they are playing, how much fun they are having, or about something that has happened recently where they feel the need to ask for prayers to change it.  My concern is for all Americans by bloging about things that are happening which effect our country and the people who are tax paying, registered, intelligent, law abiding citizens.  I served in the Army from 1971 to 2007 and am a vetran of Operation Desert Storm, Operation Enduring Freedom, and Operation Iraq Freedom.  I may be retired, but still feel the need to fight for my country.  I would like to hear from anyone who believes this is the greatest country on the earth and worth their time to keep it free and democratic.